Hands-On Explorations of Immigration Justice

Immigration justice is complex and multifaceted. The Justice General Assembly in Phoenix, Ariz., this past June informed all present of abuses we must right and introduced inspiring partner organizations already at work. Many have organized services in their congregations, studied the issues, and petitioned representatives in government. All of these have helped individuals and congregations deepen the work for immigration justice. And yet sometimes the most powerful thing we can do to strengthen our own justice efforts is to go and see for ourselves.

The UU College of Social Justice (UUCSJ) has partnered with Borderlinks, an international leader in hands-on education that raises awareness and action around immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border, to offer short programs that delve into these issues.

It has been a powerful experience for those who have already taken part. As one participant said, “BorderLinks provided us with an incredible opportunity to examine the complexities of the border through the lenses of justice and faith. Engaging in hands-on projects with fellow UUs was transformational.”

UUCSJ is working with BorderLinks to bring groups of UUs and other advocates for immigration justice into the border areas of the United States and Mexico. Those who have joined us have been inspired by the courage they encountered and empowered by all that they learned. Another participant shared the following:

“Stories like those I had formerly only read were told to me over shared meals. We were welcomed into the homes and hearts of those whose lives have been impacted by U.S. immigration policy — people who have been deported, those trying to cross the border, courageous souls who go into the desert to help those in need, students fighting for an education. . . . These experiences will stay with me as I continue to reflect on and wrestle with this very complex issue.”

UUCSJ currently offers two upcoming BorderLinks journeys: February 1–4 and May 24–27, 2013. These explorations are grounded in spiritual reflection and our Unitarian Universalist commitment to the long work of justice.

Join us on a BorderLinks journey. Inspire yourself for the vitally important work of immigration justice.