The mission of the UU College of Social Justice is to inspire and sustain effective and spiritually grounded activism for justice.
UUCSJ was created in 2012 as a collaboration between the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. All of our programs and collaborations are designed to help people cross boundaries, gain insight, imagine new ways and learn new skills to make a difference in the world. Our work is intimately and ultimately relational. From our very creation as a bridge between the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) and the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) to our work to help UUs bridge the gap between abstract ideas and embodied practice, the UU College of Social Justice provides the connective tissue supporting the spiritually grounded justice work of our faith.
UUCSJ & the Growth of Unitarian Universalism
Unitarian Universalism is an orthopraxy, a faith grounded in how we choose to be in the world, rather than an orthodoxy, a faith grounded in a profession of beliefs. As a covenantal faith, Unitarian Universalism is an ever unfolding practice of how we will honor our inherent relationship with everyone and everything. The UU College of Social Justice embodies and strengthens these qualities of Unitarian Universalism in many ways, including:
- creating containers of community that can hold space for learning together
- teaching the questions and the learning integrating practice of reflection
- making visible the many bonds of connection already present
- collaborating across time, space, institutions, and world views with compassion and generosity
- consciously choosing to center the wisdom and needs of the most targeted and vulnerable beloveds
- resourcing and resource connecting liberatory work within UU faith communities and the wider world
Many beloveds who have been a part of CSJ programs are now not only spiritually grounded justice activists, they are also faith leaders within Unitarian Universalism. In this season of Great Unraveling, CSJ is resourcing Unitarian Universalism for the possibility of a Great Turning.
About the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)
Founded in 1940, UUSC is a nonsectarian organization that works to advance human rights and social justice around the world. By partnering with grassroots organizations, mobilizing members and supporters, and advocating for changes in public policy, UUSC helps people claim their rights — from the right to organize as workers to the right to safety and relief in the wake of disaster.
About the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)
The UUA is a religious association of congregations established in 1961 via the consolidation of the Universalist Church of America (organized in 1793) and the American Unitarian Association (organized in 1825). With the membership of more than 1,000 independently governed congregations in the United States, Canada, and overseas, the UUA helps UU congregations thrive and promotes the values of Unitarian Universalism.