We’re just about a month away from the UUA’s General Assembly 2018 in Kansas City, Missouri! The theme this year is All Are Calledand we at UUCSJ are getting excited to connect with so many UUs from all across the country and around the world.

This year, we have three workshops that we hope those of you attending will check out.

Kathleen and Padre Melo at a protest in Honduras

Kathleen and Padre Melo at a protest in Honduras

Saying Yes and Saying No

(Thu, June 21, 1:30PM-2:30PM)

Our common impulse to try to respond to every justice issue is a recipe for ineffectiveness and burn-out. This meditative practice helps participants get centered in their deepest calling, and recognize that saying YES is served by the imperative to also say NO, in order to focus attention and energy

Presenter: Rev. Kathleen McTigue

Love Resists Criminalization

(Thu, June 21, 3:00PM-5:30PM)

Criminalization is a tactic used throughout the country to dehumanize whole communities, especially Black activists, immigrants, and Muslims. This workshop offers ways to resist through grassroots partnerships, spiritual grounding, ongoing learning, and practical tools for action including direct accompaniment, creative forms of community protection, and campaigns to end cash bail.

Presenters: Viridiana Martinez, Hannah Hafter, Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen, Rev. Kathleen McTigue

Gina and Marissa in Nicaragua

Gina and Marissa in Nicaragua

Liberation of the Imagination: Art, Games & Social Change

(Thu, June 21, 3:00PM-5:30PM)

All are called to engage our creative spirits in the work of making change. Participants will explore ways to confront injustice through artistic expression and the creation of interactive games. We’ll discuss how art and play helps generate constructive feedback and builds skills that can transform our activism and ourselves. This will be a youth-focused workshop, open to participants of all ages.

Presenters: Marissa Gutierrez-Vicario, Gina Collignon, and UUCSJ Alumni Leaders


UUCSJ staff and partners are also involved with some of the workshops and events hosted by our parent organization UUSC. Learn more about that at https://www.uusc.org/general-assembly-2018/

If you’re coming to GA, please consider joining us at these workshops and events, stop by the UUCSJ table to say hello, and stay tuned for other opportunities to connect by downloading the General Assembly app and following UUCSJ on social media ( Facebook | Twitter | Instagram).

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