Category: GROWRJTC

But Have You Cried Together?

Mara Iverson is a young adult from the Unitarian Church of Montpelier, VT who recently participated in UUCSJ and the UUA’s GROW Racial Justice 2017 in New Orleans. Mara is a member of Central Vermont SURJ (Standing Up for Racial Justice) and is the co-chair of the diversity and inclusion working group on the university […]

Losing Our Chains

Losing Our Chains has been reposted with permission from Blue Boat. You can find the original posting here. Aisha Ansano is a candidate for Unitarian Universalist ministry, and serves as a ministerial intern at First Church in Boston, MA. Aisha is passionate about food as ministry, singing, and ways of building community. Aisha participated in this summer’s Thrive Young Adult leadership school for Unitarian Universalistyoung adults of […]