Category: General Assembly

Meet our 2019 General Assembly Spark Leaders!

At this summer’s General Assembly, UUCSJ is excited to offer our third annual stipended leadership opportunity to alumni of our programs and related justice and leadership initiatives to support their engagement in social justice education, action, and outreach at GA. Read on to meet the team of awesome young adult justice-makers who will help “spark” […]

5 Reasons to Visit the UUCSJ Booth at GA

Are you going to Kansas City for the UUA’s General Assembly 2018? UUCSJ is and we would love to have you stop by our booth to say hello. If you need some convincing, here are the top 5 reasons YOU should visit us at GA! Get this year’s button! Every year, we at UUCSJ pick […]

UUCSJ Alumni Leaders At General Assembly 2018

This year, UUCSJ is excited to have three alumni leaders joining us in Kansas City for General Assembly. These three young adults have all participated in at least one of our immersion learning programs and are excited to assist with workshop facilitation and promotion, do some in-person and social media outreach, and help connect youth […]

UUCSJ at General Assembly 2018

We’re just about a month away from the UUA’s General Assembly 2018 in Kansas City, Missouri! The theme this year is All Are Calledand we at UUCSJ are getting excited to connect with so many UUs from all across the country and around the world. This year, we have three workshops that we hope those […]

UUCSJ By The Numbers

The UU College of Social Justice was jointly founded in the summer of 2012 by the UUA and UUSC, so this year we are celebrating a big anniversary. We are grateful for all of our alumni and supporters who have made our work possible! In honor of of all of you and our anniversary, here […]

But Have You Cried Together?

Mara Iverson is a young adult from the Unitarian Church of Montpelier, VT who recently participated in UUCSJ and the UUA’s GROW Racial Justice 2017 in New Orleans. Mara is a member of Central Vermont SURJ (Standing Up for Racial Justice) and is the co-chair of the diversity and inclusion working group on the university […]

Meet the Activate @ GA team!

UUCSJ offers a variety of Activate Youth Justice programs, including at General Assembly. This year, for the first time, we are excited to welcome a team of awesome Activate Youth Leaders who are helping shape, facilitate, and promote our youth justice workshops in New Orleans, in collaboration with the Youth Caucus team. Get to know the Activate […]

Creating Space to Grow Racial Justice

It had happened again. Another black man had been shot dead by police, another life lost to the brutality of racism, another painful reminder of the urgency of the Movement for Black Lives. News of Philando Castile’s death in Minnesota came less than a day after the police shot Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge. They […]

UUCSJ at 2016 General Assembly

General Assembly (GA) is a special opportunity for Unitarian Universalists to worship, witness, learn, connect, and join together in advancing human rights. The theme for GA 2016 is Heartland: Where Faiths Connect and will focus on interfaith work and answering the question “How are we crossing faith borders as we bring more love and justice into […]

UUCSJ at General Assembly

General Assembly (GA) is a special opportunity for Unitarian Universalists to worship, witness, learn, connect, and join together in advancing human rights. The UU College of Social Justice has planned some exciting workshops and events this year in Portland, OR. Also, you can stop by the UUA Expressway to say hello. We would love a […]