Tag: General Assembly

UUCSJ at General Assembly

General Assembly (GA) is a special opportunity for Unitarian Universalists to worship, witness, learn, connect, and join together in advancing human rights. The UU College of Social Justice has planned some exciting workshops and events this year in Portland, OR. Also, you can stop by the UUA Expressway to say hello. We would love a […]

Justice is What Love Looks Like in Public – MLK

The following post was written by Rev. Kathleen McTigue, Director at the UU College of Social Justice (UUCSJ). Our General Assembly starts in just a few days, and it’s built around the theme, “Love Reaches Out.” For the UU College of Social Justice, this raises the natural question: What does love have to do with […]

Come meet us at General Assembly!

General Assembly (GA) is a special opportunity for Unitarian Universalists to worship, witness, learn, connect, and join together in advancing human rights. The UU College of Social Justice has planned some exciting workshops and events in Providence, R.I. Also, you can stop by the UUA Expressway to say hello. We would love a chance to […]