Tag: Borderlinks

Border Memories

This post was written by Reyna Grande, a participant of the 2015 May Border Justice journey with UUCSJ. Thirty years ago last month, I crossed the border illegally through Tijuana. At nine years old, I found myself running through the darkness, trying to find a place to hide from the ever-watching eyes of “la migra”. […]

Statement at Interfaith Prayer Service for Immigration Justice

The following statement was written by Rev. Kathleen McTigue, Director at the UU College of Social Justice (UUCSJ), on July 31, 2014 following her arrest during a protest at the White House. We’re gathered together here as people of faith, as well as conviction. We come from many different faiths, so I wouldn’t presume to […]

Lessons from the Border

The following post was written by Rev. Kathleen McTigue, Director at the UU College of Social Justice (UUCSJ). The long morning walk in the desert that stretches along the Arizona-Mexico border was eye-opening and heartbreaking. I was there a few weeks ago with a group of seminary students on our program with BorderLinks called “Theology […]

A Complicated Reality

The following post was written by Rev. Lisa Bovee-Kemper, assistant minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, N.C. She recently took part in the February 2013 BorderLinks: Immigration Justice Tour with the UU College of Social Justice. Today is day three of our delegation. Our group hails from as close as Phoenix, Ariz., and […]

Hands-On Explorations of Immigration Justice

Immigration justice is complex and multifaceted. The Justice General Assembly in Phoenix, Ariz., this past June informed all present of abuses we must right and introduced inspiring partner organizations already at work. Many have organized services in their congregations, studied the issues, and petitioned representatives in government. All of these have helped individuals and congregations […]