Category: Youth

Reflections in Shade of the US-Mexico Border Wall

This post was written by Jack Spector-Bishop and originally posted on Blue Boat. “What do you do when you come head to head with the very evil you are working against?” “The ants crawl under it, the birds fly around it, the sky connects over it.” This is what I wrote in my journal while I sat […]

College of Social Justice Youth Programming – A Parent’s Perspective

This post was written by a parent of one of last year’s participants from our youth justice training in New Orleans. Last spring, we began the annual ritual of finding something for our son Jack to do over the summer. Then 15, Jack had attended UU church since the 1st grade, and while I looked […]

The Future Starts Now: Reflections on the National Youth Justice Training

The following post was written by Sierra Rother, age 16. A student from Northampton, Mass., attending St. Mark’s School, Rother was a participant in this summer’s Youth Justice Training in Boston. I honestly did not know what I was getting myself into when I hit the “submit” button on my application to the Boston Youth […]

Insight for a Lifetime

The following post was written by Carly Moulis, age 17. A student at Albemarle High School, in Charlottesville, Va., Moulis was a participant in the 2012 UUCSJ summer youth program. Carly Moulis, far left, and other participants in the 2012 Youth Justice Training, Rosie Cohen, Hannah Brennan, and Jamey Harman. All my life, I have […]

The Motivation to Take On Anything

The following post was written by Rosie Cohen, age 17. A student at Woodrow Wilson High School in Washington, D.C., Cohen was a participant in the 2012 UUCSJ summer youth program. A few days into my week at UUCSJ’s National Youth Justice Summit (NYJS), we were all gathered for a leadership training session that, to […]

Love and Justice

The following post was written by Elizabeth Nguyen, a program leader of the 2012 UUCSJ summer youth training. Nguyen will be leading the 2013 Boston Youth Justice Training, which will take place June 30–July 21. On July 11, partway into last year’s youth justice program, our group packed up our sunscreen and water bottles from […]

Fundraising for Your Youth Program

Though it may seem overwhelming at first, you can afford to take part in youth programs with the UU College of Social Justice (UUCSJ)! How? Fundraising — a key skill for social justice work. Being able to talk about money and how it can express your UU values will serve you in your endeavors now […]

What Makes You Come Alive?

Elias Estabrook was a recent grassroots mobilization intern at the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) whose work focused on engaging youth. Here he reflects on the National Youth Justice Summit, a UU College of Social Justice program that he attended in the final week of his internship. Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask […]