Healing A Broken World
In January 2009, 32 leading Unitarian Universalist theologians, ministers, and activists gathered to reflect on how congregations could become beacons of UU values for the larger world. They focused particularly on the question of how we understand suffering, oppression, and injustice in the light of our faith.
Out of those conversations came A People So Bold, in the form of a book, a DVD, and online curriculum materials designed for congregational use as well as individual viewing and reflection.
Watch this ten ten-minute presentation by the Rev. Victoria Safford from A People So Bold, in a section called “Healing a Broken World.” Have your journal out and, as you listen, jot down anything that especially resonates for you, particularly if it calls to mind a memory from your recent journey.
After viewing the video, spend some time writing in your journal in response to these questions:
- How does your faith help you hold the world’s brokenness, suffering, and oppression in a life-giving way?
- In your recent journey, where did you find the most inspiration for renewed justice work?
- What do you notice now that you did not notice before your immersion learning journey?
- What new commitment do you wish to make to yourself and others regarding justice in your community?
The call that Victoria Safford articulates is this: our principal work is opening up to the radiant humanity of others by expanding our own hearts, minds, souls, and spirits. Sit with this idea quietly for a little while, and see whether something particular and compelling begins to assert itself within you.