Spiritual Practice

Bring your reflections on identity into your chosen spiritual practice this week. One way to do this is to just sit with the large question, “Who am I?”, and allow into your awareness the many different answers to that question. Pay attention to anything that surprises you.


End your reflection time with this prayer (aloud or in silence), keeping in mind the journey that lies ahead of you:

“Prayer for Travelers” by Angela Herrera


This is a prayer for all the travelers.
For the ones who start out in beauty,
who fall from grace,
who step gingerly,
looking for the way back.
And for those who are born into the margins,
who travel from one liminal space to another,
crossing boundaries in search of center.
This is a prayer for the ones whose births
are a passing from darkness to darkness,
who all their lives are drawn toward the light,
and keep moving,
and for those whose journeys
are a winding road that begins
and ends in the same place,
though only when the journey is completed
do they finally know where they are.

For all the travelers, young and old,
aching and joyful,
weary and full of life;
the ones who are here, and the ones who are not here;
the ones who are like you (and they’re all like you)
and the ones who are different (for in some ways, we each travel alone).

This is a prayer for traveling mercies,
And sure-footedness,
for clear vision,
for bread
for your body and spirit,
for water,
for your safe arrival
and for everyone you see along the way.

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